Calgary Real Estate Market Forecast: What to Expect in 2025

Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, Canadians face a challenging economic landscape filled with uncertainties. The first week of the new year brought major political and economic shifts:

  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resigned, and Parliament has been prorogued until March 24, 2025.
  • In two weeks, Donald Trump will return as President of the United States, threatening a 25% tariff on Canadian imports.

These developments could have a massive impact on the economy, affecting industries and consumer behavior across Canada, including the housing market.

Calgary Real Estate Trends: A 5-Year Look Back

2015-2019: Pre-COVID Decline

  • Low oil and gas prices led to…

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2024 Forecast in Calgary Real Estate: Market Trends and Our Predictions

Happy New Year!! 
Wish everyone has a Prosperous and Healthy 2024!!

Today I would like to review the Calgary Real Estate Market in the last 2 years and forecast 2024!

Calgary's Real Estate market was strong in the last 2 years especially in 2023 when other cities in Canada were affected by the increase in the interest rates, house prices were dropping, and only Calgary kept on rising throughout the year.  

Total Residential Benchmark price was $516,200 in Dec 2022, and finished at the end of 2023 at $570,100, 10.4% increase.

If we look closer to different types of properties, their increases are much higher.

Single family home Benchmark price is now 

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Calgary Real Estate in 2023: 3rd Quarter Market Review

Is Calgary still seller's market? With such a high interest rate, is it still good time for you to invest? Winter is around the corner. Are we expecting the market to slow down? Let's find out in the video.

We finished the third quarter with a record high in sales. In September, 2441 total sales548 sales more than last September. Total new listings in September also improved, 21.6% more than last year, but still not enough to take us out of the sellers market condition.

We're still short of inventory. Single detached home benchmark price is at $696,100 very much the same as August, but it is 11.1% higher compared to last September, a slight increase from second quarter of this year.…

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Calgary Real Estate in 2023: 2nd Quarter Market Review

 The Calgary Real Estate market is so hot right now. Is this still a good time to buy? The interest rate is high. Do you think the market is coming down?

 Today I'm here to talk about the second quarter of the Calgary real estate market. Continue with the rising trend in the first quarter.


The second quarter is also doing really good in the Calgary market. For Single-Family Home, right now the benchmark price is $685,100.


Almost 11% increase from the end of December. For Apartment, the price has increased by 12.38%


and Townhouses has gone up almost 13% compared to the year end of 2022.

So this increase causing based on the single family home being…

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Calgary Real Estate in 2023: 1st Quarter Market Review

Are we at Buyer or Seller Market?  What caused the market to be so active in the first quarter?
Let's take a look at the 1st Quarter 2023 Market Review.

To everyone's surprise, the sales price for all single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments are up from the end of December benchmark prices.

The single-family home Benchmark price at the end of 2022 was $619,600

Due to the low inventory in Jan and February, the benchmark price has gone up to $649,800 in March, and it is higher than the peak market in May of 2022 ($648,500 at that time). Benchmark price has gone up 4.8% in 3 months' time.

For the Apartment, the Benchmark price has gone up 6.8% in the last 3…

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Calgary Real Estate Market 2022 Forecast

2021 was an exceptional year for Calgary Real Estate.  

Total sales in 2021 were 27,686, over 11,500 more sales compared to 2020.

For single-family homes, total sales were 17,038, over 7000 more sales compared to 2020, bringing the Benchmark price to $547,300, 11.9% increase from 2020.

The Forecast for 2022 is promising. Despite the pandemic and our economy still suffering, positive news like Amazon will open a cloud computing hub near Calgary and that will offer 950 job opportunities that are exciting news for Calgarians.

We are expecting positive migration from other provinces to Calgary. The new trend of working from home also brings lots of people from B.C. and Ontario who…

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"Should I Buy First or Sell First in this Market?"

This is the question I am being asked every day by homeowners. These days, many people are working from home and finding that their current home is not big enough to accommodate an efficient working space, plus having their children around engaged in online learning. It can all become a bit overwhelming!

Then they start to question whether they should buy a home that will fit their needs, or should they sell their current home first before buying. This is the question I am being asked every day by homeowners.

My answer is SELL FIRST!  Below, I have identified a process that will help homeowners come to the right decision:

1.  The first step is to get an "Updated Market Evaluation"…

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